
Don't worry if you don't understand this. Worry, if it doesn't make you think. -Xavier Armand (Pierced Fairy X)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

just a bit of fun for my fellow manhunt friends

introducing photoshop tutorials to make you cock look the size you advertise in your profile!!!!

use the magic wand tool to select your cock (outline it in marching ants)

go to the "Edit" menu click: Edit > Free Transform...

a box will now surround your cock.

click on a corner of the box, hold down the shift key, (this is very important, otherwise your cock may end up looking thinner then stated), than drag outward to make it bigger.

stop when it reaches your solicited size.


email me for more helpfully photoshop tips such as making a 47 year old man look 32 years old. (no plastic surgery required!!!!)