
Don't worry if you don't understand this. Worry, if it doesn't make you think. -Xavier Armand (Pierced Fairy X)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

eck, americans

Copied from the Facebook.

Devin they made some firworks legal yesterday and already walmart shelves are full of them! just another thing to raise taxes on.

I saw the fireworks in walmart last night, I was wondering....

nothing like getting right on it. so were the walmart trucks waiting at the conn border for the get go or did walmart stock illegal fireworks i wonder

They probably had them in the back just waiting to go up.

hahaha, walmart is the government, they pay for all the legislation. they have more money than our deficite. the republicans are in control, dont be fooled by what you see on the news. why do you think they knew such a law would pass and had the stock in the back room to be put out 24hrs later??? oh my me, another conspiracy theory!


Zach Gencarelle
i saw that them at shaws like 2 weeks ago waaaay before i saw them at walmart. I think its good that they are legal now and are being taxed. More money for the state to get in better shape. Thats my opinion though.

people being up-standing citizens will far greater benifit a community than taxes going back into the machine to fuel a war on oil that we will never see. welcome to the machine, im sure uncle sam is very pleased that you are doing your part in consuming :D