
Don't worry if you don't understand this. Worry, if it doesn't make you think. -Xavier Armand (Pierced Fairy X)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

thoughts right now

He's everything I want
He's everything I need
He's everything inside of me
That I wish I could be
He says all the right things
At exactly the right time
But he means nothing to me
And I don't know why


Anonymous said...

maybe i am way off base here, but perhaps you have yet to fully let go of the past. there can never be a future when one eye is always looking back. just let go and enjoy having this person around you, whoever he may be. because if you don't enjoy it, eventually he'll tire of you and find someone he can mean something to, and then he'll fade away and become just another thing in your past you can't let go of. carpe diem. sieze the day, there is no gaurantee there will be a tomorrow. the only gaurantee we all have is that the past is gone and no longer wants us. if it did it wouldn't be in the past.