its a good thing i download my movies, for free, i would of been EXTREMELY pissed had i payed for this.
Monday, January 26, 2009
"Save Me" let me drown.
its a good thing i download my movies, for free, i would of been EXTREMELY pissed had i payed for this.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
short words
have been piled past the moon
and each day is a fight
to keep the horizon in sight
and each morning i lie
in bed a minute longer.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
im making a post about how 'fucked up i am" my fingures dont want wot waork with me so if this comes out fucked up. bland my minders. lets seee. i ate than i dran a glass of vovdka, than id a bump of white sutff and than shared a bucnh of bumps of white stuff and eeveryoone had a goood time. than i drang more and did more bumps. and a couple more betweeen. than i was all out of money os i had to leave and go home all fucked up. so i get home. do anohter bumb, than i run the rads to buy some smokes. than i came back to finished off the GOOd. and now its now and im sad casue ist gone and not only be, but everyone with wants to do more!!! more drugs equal happy. you all know what i man. i should call them. nut it lat that might be bad.
im seeing things, aka. hallociantatnating as i typ this so i dont really dknow what it say. thought im sure its someting ccrazy comiing out of me.
good damn i can brarly typ. im seeing dobuble so i have to close one eye to see single! and i want more booze for all.
the sleepin pill is making me see things that arent there. besised the double sight theres crazy thinks you can only see while on this pill.
im typeing pretty good concerdering that i fully seeing double
so you all ask..... "what does this crazy ramber have to do with anything?" well "nothing at all if trugh be told"
im just typing it cause talking and smiling about it feels good. being high isnt bad per say. you just need to learn that everhting in moderatrion is ok. i had fun and just a bit of fun so im ok
ok damn i typiing this with one eye closed, seeing double and i need more vodka.
sorry for my misspelling! they will never leave me.
i hope you all had fun tonight, i did!!!!
now i must go pass out, i think.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
and here is am to PISS ON YOUR PARADE !!!
im sick and tired of hearing about your fucking "record-breaking" inauguration for obama.
whats the point of huddling around the tv like a village of monkeys waiting for obama to flip that magic switch that will make everything instantly better? yeah, i know, bush is gone. that makes me smile too. but the fact remains. bush took the same "oath". remember? believing in that "oath" is like believing in the bible. you're being lied to by the media.
you need some kind of improvement in your sad little life? try, SHUTTING OF THE TV (yeah i know i say that a lot. get used to it.) and get motaviated and do something about it. dont wait for obama and his fantastical "oath" to make everything better.
lets start by BOYCOTTING WAL-MART!!!! if the big corporations fail we dont have to be the victims. that leaves us free to start personable businesses again and that will be what our eCONomy needs to start rebuilding itself.
think about that for bit.
sadly though, it will never work. you're all too programmed and helpless at this point
Monday, January 12, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
im such a fag...
this song just popped on my itunes, on random. and it made be ball like a bitch! whos says im jaded, i can still be sensitive. LOL
this song it called: Century Plant and is featured on the movie Camp. (if you havent seen it, you should give it a try, its a great lil-pick-me-up musical about a theater camp)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
i always knew they existed, about the same time i decided god was bullshit i also decided the media is bullshit as well so i stopped paying attention to the lies they been sugar-coating for everyone. soo... does that make me ignorant for not participating or stronger for following my own train of thought? if you know the answer, please, keep it to yourself. im doing just fine.
if you dont watch the movie, at least watch this clip and digest it. this is Bill Maher's final comment from Religulous at the end of the film.
(if you do plan on watching it. skip this for now and watch it as a whole. otherwize this is a huge spoiler)
Monday, January 5, 2009
You keep it copasetic
And you learn to accept it
You know you're so pathetic!
Friday, January 2, 2009
yet another reason why i love the french
the caption at the end reads:
Someone dies of AIDS, every 10 seconds.
Status/Mood Update...
Pierced Fairy X wishes he had the optimistic attitude for 2009 that everyone else seems to have.
Mood: realistic, not fooled, third eye wide open, etc...
Message of the Moment: Wake up america, turn off the fucking tv and take a look around! Is everything still sparkling with beauty?